Brand: Growtek
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Read moreThis formula optimizes soil nutrient conditions for improved flower development and root structure. By ensuring nutrient availability, Bud Fuel Pro™ provides the foundation for abundant blooms. Using during pre-flower and through early bloom development can encourage prolific blooming for all flowering and fruiting plants. Use 3-4 times during a growing season, focusing immediately prior to and during flower development. Apply as a root drench. Application Rate: 1L makes 500L of solution. Soil/Soilless/Water Culture: Mix 2 − 3 ml per 1 L of water (½−¾ tsp per 1.25 qt). Use 3 − 4 times during a growing season, focusing immediately prior to and during flower development. About this item Unique transitional product formulated to be used during the pre flowering and early flowering stages to improve overall flower development Package length :5.12″ Package width :2.25″ Package height :7.75″
Read moreA classic bloom enhancer, Monster Bloom™ has gained a reputation for its ability to assist plants during the middle stages of flower development. The high concentration of phosphorous encourages blooming and plays a vital role in plant metabolism.
Read moreA classic bloom enhancer, Monster Bloom™ has gained a reputation for its ability to assist plants during the middle stages of flower development. The high concentration of phosphorous encourages blooming and plays a vital role in plant metabolism.
Read moreSilica is known to strengthen cell walls and overall cell integrity, which makes plants more resistant to abiotic stress such as heat and drought. Contains Potassium And Silicon And Helps Keep Plants Upright For Maximum Light Exposure Ultimately Leads To More Food Production Due To A High Rate Of Photosynthesis Helps Plants Battle Wilting And Drought By Acting As Insulation And Prolongs Bloom Life No Assembly Required
Read moreSOLO-TEK BLOOM – NUTRIENT SUSPENSION – A one-part bloom fertilizer that is easy to use and highly effective on a range of crops. Solo-Tek Bloom provides optimum nutrient ratios for prolific flowering and fruiting. Highly effective as a stand-alone fertilizer; the results are even more explosive when used with supplements. About this item Revolutionary organic-based one part plant nutrient supplement Provides a very high nutrient concentration along with organic chelating agents Contains all natural amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and carbohydrates Application Rate: 1L makes 500L of solution. *See Extended Application Rate below SOLO-TEK BLOOM SAFETY DATA SHEET > SOLO-TEK FEED CHART >
Read moreSOLO-TEK GROW™ – NUTRIENT SUSPENSION – A one-part growth fertilizer that is easy-to-use and highly effective on a range of crops. Solo-Tek Grow™ is designed to provide the nutrients required to grow a lush canopy full of potential. This formula is a proprietary mix of mineral components and organic matter, and powers vigorous growth as a stand-alone fertilizer. The results are even more explosive when used with supplements. Application Rate: 1L makes 500L of solution. *See Extended Application Rate below
Read moreVITAMAX PRO™ – OPTIMIZES GROWTH – Vitamax™ Pro provides soil and soilless gardens with key organic matter to help drive plant production. Nutrients from land and sea provide array of minerals to help plants build bigger roots, stronger shoots, and incredible flowers. Application Rate: 1L makes 1000L of solution. Mix ¼ tsp per 1.25 qt of water (1 ml / 1 L). Apply every week during the growing season. About this item PLUS is specially formulated to improve plant growth, encourage blooming and assist floral and fruit development Contains macronutrients and added magnesium to aid in the formation of chlorophyll and other essential plant compounds The VitamaxTM line is specially formulated to improve plant growth, encourage blooming This supplement can enhance virtually all feed programs by increasing the depth and complexity of plant available nutrition VITAMAX PRO SAFETY DATA SHEET >